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Cormack Consulting
...the business of behaviour!

Executives usually attribute a good portion of their success to a coach or mentor. It must be about behaviour and results. What got you here will not get you there - you might need a coach you can trust, relate to and respect. Our approach to coaching is goal-driven, about behaviour and personal as well as professional. The great majority of our coaching clients end up getting promoted.
C-Suite COACHING: Leadership, performance, effectiveness, happiness
Teams with new members are new teams and have to go back to forming and norming.
High-performance teams are constructed, it's not natural evolution. It's deliberate, a facilitated process.
Most leaders were never taught group dynamics - this is something we do, and it can be refreshing and fun.
High-Performing TEAMS
Culture creates engagement. It can be toxic or constructive and facilitative. You can taste it.
Most of all you have to measure BOTH culture and engagement.
Leaders give you culture, engagement gives you innovation, speed and customer experience.
This is how value is created - through people.
The Right CULTURE: Achievement, Learning, Coaching and Team-based
Most people come to a Company for their career: Your brand would look good on my CV.
They leave 2 years later because no one took an interest in their career and personal development.
Imagine if you could give everyone a personally curated learning portal with all the training and coaching.
Imagine such a world where the cost of this was negligible. We can - we've done exactly that.
LEARNING and Growing
Employee engagement drives customer experience and the most important thing is Manager Quality.
The highest quality Managers know how to coach, support, converse, direct and lead in a positive, human way.
HR should skinny down process and compliance and activate their EQ skills to maximise impact.
We can work with Managers and HR to optimise their combined potency.
MANAGERS Manage with the right HR
70% of change initiatives fail because they usually fail on one of five main factors.
Our change toolkit ensures high-quality decisions with high levels of buy-in and acceptance.
Most of your Managers were never taught to manage change - let us guide you.
CHANGE that sticks.
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