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Cormack Consulting
...the business of behaviour!

Multifunctional, multiple industries, global, uniquely commercial.
FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Grocery, Cosmetics, Direct Selling, Food, Beverage, Household Care, Mining, Banking, Media, Retail, Property, Government
HR, Sales, CEO, Operations
Experience across 42 Countries.
We look at your business through 3 lenses ...
Your Culture

Is set by your leaders. Its what they attend to, what they walk past, and what they value. Culture matters as much as strategy. The conversations in your Company determine the quality of your Company for the people in it. Culture can be awesome or toxic. Your culture is your choice.
Your Teams

The executive team sets the tone for the extended leadership group. Top teams can be effective and constructive and inspiring or not. They work the way they work. All of this is choice. We can help you construct the Team Charter you need to be the best business that you can.
Your People

There are 3 things that matter in every business - customers, people and cash.
Customers are Queen or King. Your people serve them every day.
Set your front-line for success.
The quality of the conversattions determine the quality of your Company. Your Managers are the most important determinant of this.
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